Another Saturday...

Well hi its been a while since I last wrote in this thing I have been doing better than what I felt like before its amazing how I finally realized that sometimes when I am without someone I love it can be the most fraustrating times but hey life as we know it is not perfect well for those who know about something called "regents" its a bid test that determins if you will become a sophmore in highschool but lately I got my report card and I missed six points so now I am desperatly trying to catch up and pass this stupid math regents I pass the class but failed the test and I failed my Living Enviorment class but pass the test and all I have to say to that is "Pagh"= 'FUCK' I mean like what the heck I wish I would of studied more and now I am given the opertunity I am busy blogging about it instead of doing work you see math was never my strong point but I wish it could be..... well anyways I am off to study wish me luck :O


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