True Edge

Today started like crap because i went to the supermarket when (its pollen season i am sick go figure.) i bought a couple of things for my mom so that she could cook (i remind you she already went to a place called flushing. It's home to all Asians!!) so i forgot one thing on the list and bought ONE WRONG MEAT! and she flips out and then as soon as I told her that as the truth she goes bonkers.(she calls me a liar, useless, you don't know how to cook. she probably called me a lot in the passed too but my middle brother doesn't wanna ruin the peace me and my mom has.) I throw my shoe into the corner refusing to go to the supermarket and she bitched all day saying I am the reason to her pain. (that I was the cause of my dad moving out.) Tonight was amazing because I feel that I am motivated again to play the piano just by listening to Philip Sharp talk and inspire me I mean like it was really amazing how he used his computer to do the parts he couldn't play on the piano like the drums or guitar. It hit down hill when I got a text from my boyfriend stating he was gonna get his phone and iPod taken away from him. but I could call him before 9?? I am confused are they not taking his cellphone away?? ... And he can talk to me occasionally on his computer... That's like the three months I couldn't talk to him that is tourchering me -sighs- the other down side to this night is that now I am feeling really bad I didn't shower with my babe.... biggest down side is I am sick and crying now fuck.. Fuck this stupid day!!!!!


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