what a dream....

Today when I woke up I went to run the vacuum and then I went to eat breakfast and then went upstairs to read two manga's Love So Life It was really cute ..... the twin kids especially because it was a twin girl and twin boy ....  the second manga I started to read is sugar solider

So a today I was feeling really sad that I took a really long nap... I had a dream about me buying popcorn kernels and I kept putting them back and picking a different one that the clerk got mad at me it was because when I thought I picked one with a pretty looking kernels they where one piece of kernel and so I put it back its a really weird dream because one minute I see the popcorns popped and stuff and then the next I don't see it popped but a piece of kernel and something red next to it... I wake up and it got me frustrated because I realized I want popcorn... -___-
So after I woke up a lot of things I have been realizing I wish I didn't do and that is trying on the dress my mom told me to.. I love the dress I am just uncomfortable ... with my body and all of the scars I am starting to hate these cuts... that my disease had brought on me not only that.. ever since I woke up I felt even more sickish my eyes been more itchy than normal... I wonder if I will ever look good in a dress I know I thought I have confidence in the dress... but I look... horrible... even my hair is getting ugly to me.... I haven't been managing and taking care of it properly.... So what happened yesterday was a lot of things have happened but their is just one single one ... that stuck in my head.... I was in Chemistry class and the thing is I asked this girl to sit next to ... me cause I am still not over hanging out with Harneet so she asked me oh so I haven't seen me hang out with Harneet I told her what Harneet did and when that happened she started talking bad about her... and stuff not bluntly but you know the type of talking where you can't hear it but you just know ... and then while I am doing my Chemistry work she tries to ask me oh do you wanna skip class together to walk around.... I told her couldn't you have asked me that before class... so I stared at her .. and just continued to do my work at first I said okay I walked out the classroom with the pass and then when I came back she went to do her business when she came back I was trying to do my last homework and my classwork and she kept tickling me....
It kinda bothered me but really what can I do about it I already tried the word stop while I was reading allowed in Chemistry because the lady asked me to I did and she kept tickling me ... I think maybe I felt annoyed .... but again it was my fault ...


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