
So lately I have been trying to save for a iPod 4th generation because I have been sick and tired of my family trying to make me stop talking to Andrew so I am trying my best to save it I have so much money to collect so that I may get this iPod touch but other than that I went to the zoo yesterday and it was really fun so far it has been raining One of the most famous indian actors died July 11th and all of his songs that he lip sing plays haunts me but yeah I have made so much friends on CR especially my friend he is finally gonna get someone he is in love with I hope their relationship goes well and now I officially have membership from CR so i can watch new anime anytime I want I am gonna try to finish all the shows I wanted to watch and. I am still trying very best to study for the test that I have to take next month

Annoyed On A Monday

What the heck do you know about us.... you yell at me as a joke and then you go and do a bad imitation of me and then make fun ... of how I talk with my boyfriend? does that sound funny to you? WHY THE HECK DO I HAVE TO FEEL LIKE SHIT DO I LOOK PUGIN CALM?!!!! not only that .... I lost connection to my boyfriend.... is that funny.... everyone seems to expect a lot from me like oh "I forgive you" NO I DO NOT FORGIVE PEOPLE WHO IMITATION OF ME AND THEN MAKE FUN OH MY MAN! I am still angry with my friend she is .... trying to message me on facebook when I am not even allowed to use it anymore .... forget it I don't care... anymore... I even found out I woke up for nothing I don't have summer classes because I passed how funny.

angry face Pictures, Images and Photos

Another Saturday...

Well hi its been a while since I last wrote in this thing I have been doing better than what I felt like before its amazing how I finally realized that sometimes when I am without someone I love it can be the most fraustrating times but hey life as we know it is not perfect well for those who know about something called "regents" its a bid test that determins if you will become a sophmore in highschool but lately I got my report card and I missed six points so now I am desperatly trying to catch up and pass this stupid math regents I pass the class but failed the test and I failed my Living Enviorment class but pass the test and all I have to say to that is "Pagh"= 'FUCK' I mean like what the heck I wish I would of studied more and now I am given the opertunity I am busy blogging about it instead of doing work you see math was never my strong point but I wish it could be..... well anyways I am off to study wish me luck :O

my hurt expression

Hi everyone so I am guessing you probaly know some problems that I am going through everyday I have been writing nothing but bad news in my blogger because really nothing good has been going on lately... not even with my best friend... the last happy moments i had was Thursday & Friday because I went to a concert at Nassau coliseum it was amazing to see the band " Jesus Culture " their stories on how they became a band amazed me so I am a total big fan of Jesus and what he has done to each and every band member... I don't know lately even though I got hurt and I want to cry they just wont come out and I become a person with a solid poker face and never let out my tears I really wish that I would be able to cry without someone treating me like a robot saying that oh don't cry or don't get mad and I am tired of when I express my feelings that one person who I thought I could trust would not judge me or get mad at me but in the end who was I kidding obviously that person did not even try to understand how I feel sometimes I think "oh do you really know how I feel?" but then my mind says shut it and just give her a next chance in my life I think I have wasted about so much time in my life giving speeches to people who I think need it and deserve to have it but, what do I deserve? Ill tell you the answer to that nothing because even with the advise I give out people end up telling me oh no you don't get it!!! and also oh I know Ill keep that advise into consideration when they really don't should I be happy or should I be sad I don't really know sometimes I feel suffocated with these emotions that I just want to let out a yell but in reality I would just sit their quietly and drowned in my depression until someone comes to save me..

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