Officially feel like a stalker

Okay well hi people I was suppose to write a blog for yesterday and I was dam freaking lazy and I haven't gotten to writing one so please excuse me for writing it late anyways the title of this is pretty much self explanitory I feel like a stalker because of the fact I was reading a blogger that my boyfriends mom has been writing (shh don't tell her knight) and I can understand her motherly point of view I was laughing at most of the parts because it made me think Man my babe was not joking about giving his mom trouble but hey that is what kids do :) anyways to be less more explanitory long story short I am a total stalker and was just reading his moms blogger from 12 to 1 in the freaking morning. Yesterday which I am writing this for yesterday I did lots of things I finally went back to church and apparently the people in my church think I am not fat enough and I am too skinny so they keep giving me food to eat enough said about that right? (*cough-cough*) But yet they tell me I look like a model how Ironic. My boyfriend knight he had talked to me by txting man do I love that guy we where talking about random things I wish to kiss him in the near future <3 we didn't get to roleplay which was a total let down but their is always tomorrow right? and not only that the flooding named sandy was being explain to everyone and all public schools got closed down which is really cool :I well anyways I think I am going really crazy because it is 2 in the morning now so I am going to head off to bed nighty night

I'm tired

So I got back from flushing 3hours ago and my friend Jessie I finally got to hang out with her. It was really fun we got to see a bakery eat bread :3 and we got to go to random places for buying pocky and anime things we went to a jewelry store and it is really cool cause everytime we went we would always go when they had a sale :3 and I am gonna roleplay with Knight he was home and I didn't talk to him... I really feel upset with myself...

Can't think...

I am gonna loose my mind is it even possible to loose my mind more than it already is.... I have failed as a student I failed all my classes I only pass about three classes..

Today's update

Here something random I wrote in my thinking book...

Really wish you where here
The tears that fall in my heart
Is getting painful...
I really miss you babe I can't
Even focus if I can't talk to you
My day feels incomplete when I
Do not wake up to your voice
or to your text babe.
How I wish I would just die...
My body feels like its consuming
My soul my heart and my mind.

It's been a while

I haven't been blogging because I have been so caught up on what to write I end up falling a sleep before writing a thing okay well for the passed weeks I have been getting nothing but bad things that i have been doing pour for this coming up marking period because of my surroundings so now I have to zone people out to work more and pass chemistry well I get to talk to my boyfriend and I got into a fight with my brother and my dad stood up for him I just wish they would disappear with the rest of their empty souls.


I am stressing out so much I kinda wanna start cutting again.. I feel like I am loosing it but I promised knight I would not cut again and I think I am gonna burst .... It's really getting worst my body feels the need to and I don't know what to do but I am trying to restrain from cutting again.

I am crying ...

I think the title explains it self I am a contagious germ freak now I keep bleeding and it's angers me a lot I don't know if I will ever get better my eye kids hurt to stay opened...


I have been consuming a lot of sadness and pain from my body because their are more scars that appeared I guess I am gonna cry again tonight.... Why is it am I not surprised I wanna talk knight about it but I am just so stressed out I do not feel well I really feel like passing out and not able to go on... I feel really horrible like I can't trust anyone... Knight might get tired of my depressed and low esteem again..

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