
Everyone keeps saying I will get better I feel really sad that I look really sick not only that I found out I can have multiple reasons as to why my eczema got worst It could be because of my diet I stop drinking water and also I had more soda then water so my emuniety was really bad and still is.


I was suppose to hang out with Jessie but in the end it was cancelled because my mom and dad refused for me to go to my appointment to fix my iPod but on the great news my iPod is alive again all thanks to my older bro well anyway I have eczema and I am still trying to treat it so hopefully everyone at school won't look at my face to much I am really getting depressed cause I still am thinking on what I should do about this guy who is bothering me because what if he keeps bothering me I am so tired of thinking that.. And i role played today and did the Laundry.

My past

Crying anime girl Pictures, Images and Photos    In the past I used to love this boy but he rejected me so I finally got over him when he left because he went on vacation to Greece he came back from Greece and asked me out which I refused then when I was pursading him to go out with me I said I would do anything and he said anything and I said yes so he asked me to do oral then he would know if i was meant for him I thought he was the one but we never did make it because I chickened out and yeah stuff like that I thought we where friends but in the end I realized he wanted to use my body because he asked me to do oral so he would know if we would be good boyfriend and girlfriend. (this happened when I was 12/13) So now I am busy crying about him pestering me on my cell phone and Facebook all because he I promised him oral but I have a boyfriend (knight) and he would be mad if I did that because it is considered cheating and I feel that he is dangerous to me... Save me please knight...

Angry at knight....

anime girl angry Pictures, Images and Photos
I wish that you would talk to me I called you text you and not to mention FaceTime called you I do understand you tend to sleep when you get board but at least keep your promise and I know I screwed up with MR. A in my room but you broke your promise not only that I feel annoyed I know Its probally my fault and I accept that but that wasn't a excuse to not follow up with your bargain now you can't tease me because you said you wouldn't tomorrow now I am upset I have to go to sleep again without you saying goodnight or even a kiss goodnight not only that I am not saying anything anymore I am upset now.... -.- if knight wants he can text me in the morning to FaceTime but other than that if knight wants me to speak to him again he is gonna have to make up for this one I am SOOOO not giving into your tease apologizing so good luck KNIGHT

message to all readers :)

well I just wanted to write a quick reminder to all that my I-pod has been shot in the engine hope fully I can get a warranty I-pod and I won't have to pay for it but I will have to pay for my own warranty so that if anything goes wrong with it I can fix it again :( I am so unhappy I might not be able to upload blogger for a while so people who want to talk to me will have to talk to me either on Facebook-Cell-Ebuddy until I go to Roosevelt Feild Mall :I

Funny thing...

Well today was funny because I sent one of my friends (Tiffey) a message I was suppose to send to my boyfriend (knight) so later today knight was like "Selina why u know txt or call me?" and then I realized I had sent (Tiffey) the good morning babe message lol funny huh >w~ well last night i had some great sleep i feel so refreshed and it felt GREAT for once and I had Ice-cream cone man was that great now I am roleplaying like a crazy maniac and I am sooo enjoying it my character looks like this....


Lately i am not tired and I feel like it is my fault everyone keeps arguing around me it was probally best if I die even my medication has zero affects it always itches more than it does and now this is like the 4th time I cried myself to bed I wanna call knight or text him but he has school so I don't wanna wake him either well I guess I wrote how I feel down and also lately I feel like not eating... I wonder why people keep staring at me like I am a alien....


So their I am trying to talk to knight when all of a sudden boom -eyes get drowsy- and he falls a sleep TT^TT GRR!!! I'll tell you one thing the fight that I had was epic yet so annoying because I might loose tomorrow cause her friends might jump in.... Not only that something has been bothering me but I am not stressing about it but it keeps bothering me... >.< oh well I guess I can think about that later so stupid :( ... And I even got a 0 on a test and failed a english test... Not only that I am curious who was the "friend" knight talk to he says friends it's BUGGING ME GAHHH I am so crazy upset and worried about tomorrow.

Positive day ..

Today was actually a good Saturday until I got into a argument with Mrs N. I am happy now because I am roleplaying with knight :) and Monday I get to hang out with mary... And I am kinda sad because I yelled at Jessie and made her cry but I was also in pain but now I can't be her best friend is killing me even more until she proves she is my Best friend it's whatever.

Today ..

Well today at church one of my brothers friend I'll call him D. He litterly figured out that I was scared and could here voices and things around me and I was scared he knew some stuff I didn't even know but I knew I was feeling I felt in a corner and scared but I don't know how I felt I just feel like I am hiding my sad face under my happy face and it scares me.... I don't know what I am going thru even I said it was okay for my friend to use me but deep down it hurt when I said that I also love knight but I am scared what if I love him and his expectations for me are so high? I don't know what I think anymore...

My positively tiring day...

I actually fell a sleep in a class and it was third period class all because I didn't eat breakfast that sucks :( but oh we'll at-least I get to role-play with knight he thought of a good role-play Idea I am so happy with the new role-play. I even caught a cold

First day of school...

I have been so tired of first day of school because I have lunch 7th period and it is so hard... I am finally a sophomore but i don't feel like it. I finally got to add Lindsay on my Facebook we knew each other since kindergarten and she was just so depresses about biology and in not getting it. She is like my first best friend but we never shared secrets. we where just so into talking to each other and hanging out when we where kids I miss the old days. On the other hand I have a practice test tomorrow I history and in math both math classes I am so nervous. I played modern girl and top girl and I can hardly wait for tomorrow when I can start mycandylove the game I haven't played so my ap points can build :D I miss knight cause he had to go early and he said he would call me but passed out and he said he wouldn't I promise myself I won't get angry even if he does something I dot like because it's the best way for things to not go wrong in our relationship.

A summary on what happened.

Saturday Sep 1
Today I have had a great day well half half because Its my brothers birthday he is finally 30 I had some italian food at the party it was so amazing we had some good cake also sorry didn't upload a picture of the cake :(

Sunday September 2
My skin condition got worst and I looked like a Scaled snake TT---TT
But my brother bought cortisone for my scaly eyes it hardly works but it's okay I guess. When I came back home from church I had A slushi from the ice cream truck Mmm tasty then when I got into my room Mrs N kept going on of how useless I am that I don't do laundry and that I brought up a cup but it was really her because their was orange juice stains in it.

Monday September 3 (memorial day)
Today I role-played with Harneet and knight it was pretty fun I had a blast I helped Tiffey print her home work then Mrs. N came in and got mad cause I couldn't hear her calling me and hit me she was calling me names yet again probably I can finally hang loose a lil
Cause my mom goes back to work I will finally get breathing space.

So sick...

My skin condition keeps worsening and I need some medicine before kids in class start making fun of me I hope I will get some type of coverage before I go back to school =____= (to be continued)

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